Tulip Brothers
Drama, 4M & 2F
This intriguing play began as an exploration of the circumstances leading to the collapse of the American stock market, using the Dutch tulipomania of the 1630s as an allegory for Wall Street delusion. What it became, however, is one of my most personal stories: is it better to toughen one's heart to the world and avoid pain or open up and connect with humanity, but risk devastation in the process?
Synopsis: The tulip bulb market is on the rise in 17th century Holland, and Nils DeGroot believes this is his opportunity to make his fortune and gain independence from the stench of the bleaching mill. He needs help, but brother Pieter knows that life offers up no assurances beyond the sin of mankind. With one brother betting on the future and another cynical of the past, Nils wagers more than he can afford while Pieter must pay a price he did not expect.
This intriguing play began as an exploration of the circumstances leading to the collapse of the American stock market, using the Dutch tulipomania of the 1630s as an allegory for Wall Street delusion. What it became, however, is one of my most personal stories: is it better to toughen one's heart to the world and avoid pain or open up and connect with humanity, but risk devastation in the process?
Synopsis: The tulip bulb market is on the rise in 17th century Holland, and Nils DeGroot believes this is his opportunity to make his fortune and gain independence from the stench of the bleaching mill. He needs help, but brother Pieter knows that life offers up no assurances beyond the sin of mankind. With one brother betting on the future and another cynical of the past, Nils wagers more than he can afford while Pieter must pay a price he did not expect.
WORKSHOP AND STAGED READING: Victory Gardens Theater, Chicago, March 2011
STAGED READING: New Classics Series, Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre, Pittsburgh, December 2010
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STAGED READING: New Classics Series, Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre, Pittsburgh, December 2010
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Tulip Brothers | |
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The copyright of this script is hereby asserted by author JASON HALF. Any public reading, production, performance or adaptation is prohibited unless permission is received from the author. Companies and artists interested in producing this script are welcome to contact the author through email at [email protected] . Jason is happy to collaborate with artists as long as he is aware his work is being presented in the first place.